Various instrument images and alternate names courtesy of Ascendco Health. All rights reserved.
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Instrument name: Nephroscope
Alternate name: Kidney scope
Instrument category: Endoscopic
Used for: Visualization during kidney endoscopy. This type of scope comes in different angles to see different structures in the kidney.
Specialty commonly used in: Urologic surgery
Instrument name: Resectoscope Cutting Loop Tip
Alternate name: None
Used for: Cutting through and removing lining of cavity
Specialty commonly used in: Urologic and gynecologic surgery
Instrument name: Resectoscope Obturator
Alternate name:
Used for: Gaining access to a cavity via bluntly passing through orifice
Instrument name: Semi-rigid Ureteroscope
Alternate name: Semi-rigid scope, scope, uteroscope
Used for: Visualization during urologic surgery
Specialty commonly used in: Urologic surgeries when a semi-rigid ureteroscope is needed
Instrument name: Thoracoscope
Alternate name: Scope
Used for: Visualization during laparoscopic surgery of the chest
Specialty commonly used in: Thoracic laparoscopic surgeries
Instrument name: Veress Needle
Alternate name: Veress, needle
Used for: Gaining access to the cavity during laparoscopic surgery. This device can come in many different lengths to accommodate different size patients.
Specialty commonly used in: Laparoscopic surgery for general, gynecologic, and thoracic.
Instrument name: Working Element
Used for: Placement of a loop or a ball during endoscopy that requires a resection
Specialty commonly used in: Urologic or gynecologic surgery